Hellooo, first post ever on here... and on such a spooky day :3c My Halloween this year has been pretty mild to be honest, though I have used the season to motivate myself to watch a bunch of horror stuff I've been putting off! I've watched the Mandela Catalogue, Torture Garden, and Basket Case. Partly due to the season but also just in general I've been thinking of horror a lot, and have felt very motivated regarding horror ideas. It's nice to feel any creative motivation between the writers block and general creative sluggishness -w-)ll I've been wanting to do something non VN for this little horror project, most likely an RPG Maker game. Story and general concept wise I've been debating between two mostly, either a remake of an old doomed game of mine, Buck Velvet, or a new concept I've been kicking around recently.

Oh yeah, it's a scary deer game.
For the uninitiated, Buck Velvet was a horror visual novel I was making in Tyranobuilder in 2019 and had all gone as planned it would have been my second released game ever. I unfortunately learned a very painful lesson with it, as when the game was finished outside a few sound effects here and there my laptop at the time gave out... this took all of my completed art and sprites and stuff with it. The cloud backed up all of the actual game writing and code itself, but I would have to redo every bit of art and sound work for a game that was basically done, an incredibly unpleasant task even now, let alone to a dev on only their second project. Ultimately I decided to just move on, I had completed the game in my eyes and didn't have any real audience who'd be dissapointed about the game not releasing. Since then its been a little over 5 years and I could see myself doing a remake of it now, the plot is written already and so much time has passed redoing the art would feel more like a little redraw challenge to see improvement instead of bitterly redrawing everything lost in a crash. A little more info on Buck Velvet in case I do end up working on it soon, in it you play as someone desperate for a job who starts working as a local parks night watchman, and things go poorly >:3c Not the most complicated plot but it's all I need. It has a monochrome artstyle for the most part planned, though will probably be a lot less pixelated than the originals art. I wish I had any of the animation I had done for the game saved still, while it was pretty simple there was some neat stuff, especially for my skill at the time but oh well, enough about Buck Velvet for now.

Would you believe the amount of crunchy pixels were a purposeful choice?
The other small game I was contemplating would be a simple game about a man in a vague post apocalypse setting starting to suddenly receive letters from someone, you would do simple chores to take care of your home everyday as the games event unfolded and things would change as the days went on. It vaguely involves Eigengrau/Eigenlicht, the color humans see when their eyes are closed, because its been on my mind lately. I have the plot beats planned out though it's nothing too complicated overall, so I feel comfortable in my ability to do it even my writer blocked state.The protagonist of this one would be a gay man because I realized I haven't had a gay dude protagonist since my first game... oops... Well it's near midnight for me now and I don't have much else to say on these at the moment but who knows, maybe after tonights sleep I'll have it all figured out! Lol. Goodnight.